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Scan&Fill II
You still must deal with paperware? Scan&Fill II is the first step of your forms printing environment:
Scan the form with your scanner, fill it with the PC and print on the form with your printer. licence fee is 25,- $ (site licences available)
Personal Progress File - Personal Edition
Preparation, maintenance and printing of portfolios for the United Kingdom's National Record of Achievement made simple. This personal edition is free of charge for home use. A multi-user version is also available.
Personal Progress File - Standard Edition
Preparation, maintenance and printing of portfolios for the United Kingdom's National Record of Achievement made simple. This is the multi-user version. A personal edition is available free of charge for home use.
By Heart
This program is a great opportunity if you have to learn by heart any list of any subject. It is very simple to make it work: just create a text (.TXT) file, in each line, put the question, type a character, and type the answer.
Plotting functions (usual and parametric) with more possibilities.
Differentiation of any order (with simplification). Construction of tangents to the graph. The simple and clear interface with detailed documentation and examples of work.
The best education software. Test your memory in this education program. EduProfix is NOT another boring educational software. It is actually a funny game. Racing game. However it is important to know something more than just racing!
Лучше заслужить почет и не иметь его, нежели иметь его, не заслужив. Марк Твен
Гельмут Шмидт, Жискар д'Эстен и Брежнев хвалятся дорогим подарками. Шмидт показывает изящную табакерку с надписью "Дорого- му Гельмуту от любящей жены". Д'Эстен - оригинальную трубку с надписью "Дорогому Жискару от француженки - патриотки". Брежнев вынимает золотой портсигар с бриллиантом. Надпись: "Дорогому гра- фу Уварову от великого князя СергеЯ Александровича".
Если женщина красива, умна и образована, то это уже патология и не для нормальных мужчин.