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» Scientific Tools
Flow Pro
Designs waterways and channels.
Graphical and easy to use
Enhanced Plotting Features
Report Ready Results
Supports both English and SI (metric) units
Handles circular, trapezoidal, ushaped, and tubular channel shapes
EldoS AnyCalc
EldoS AnyCalc is ideal if you are accountant, programmer, researcher, student - it can be invoked with one key press and supports 150 functions and operators. Common fractions are supported too now.
Freeware for fast training, validation, and application of neural and conventional classifiers including MLP, functional link net, piecewise linear net, nearest neighbor classifier, self organizing map. Extensive help. C source for trained nets
Freeware for fast development and application of regression type networks including the multilayer perceptron, functional link net, piecewise linear network, self organizing map and K-Means. Extensive help. C source code for applying trained nets.
Веления светил для нас темны... Фирдуоси
Юноша не знает, что купить своей девушке ко дню рождения. Спрашивает у матери: -- Мама, если бы тебе завтра исполнялось восемнадцать, что бы ты хотела получить в подарок? -- Ничего больше,-- вздохнула мать.
Расстройство - промежуточная стадия между раздвоением личности и четвертованием.