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Stardust Setup Packager
Stardust Setup Packager provides developers with an easy way to package multiple setup programs into a single self-extracting EXE. Features include digital code signing, password protection, expiration date, welcome prompt, and nested packaging.
Check MSI
Check MSI is a tool for setup programs that checks the version of the Microsoft Windows Installer present on a user's system.
If the right version is present Check MSI launches the product's setup program transparently.
Instyler SmartSetup
Create user-friendly, professional setup programs for your software projects. It's fully adaptable and supports multiple languages, setuptypes, registry, start menu / desktop links, environment variables, password protection, uninstallation
Astrum InstallWizard
Astrum InstallWizard is a versatile utility for creating installation programs. AIW has a host of advanced features normally found only in the most expensive tools. Although AIW is feature packed, the user interface is still intuitive and easy to use
Creates Windows compatible setup programs from script file. Approaches the gold standarts in this industry and has the gentleman's set of features. The size of the extractor module is only 46k overhead over compressed data size.
GVH Setup Maker
The Setup-creation tool for the professional programmer: No scripting! Regkeys: entry or paste from local machine. Uninstall. Test Setup from GUI. License-key generation. Min, Norm, Custom. Program(sub)components.Multi-Disc custom size. Wizard.
Interscope InstallMaster
Setup generation tool to visually design, build and test setups for any application on all Windows platforms. It supports file versioning, encryption, dependency checking, Start Menu and registry access and update, full uninstall and more.
Origin Keyring
The package contains a dll to include to the encrypted software, a software generator, and sample programme to test the gйnйrated serials. The source files of these two programs are fully documented and free to modify/use/distribute.
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