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TaskPaneXP is an ActiveX control that accurately emulates the task panes, or 'Explorer Bars', that are found in Microsoft Windows XP. Task panes provide a flexible way of presenting a group of related tasks to your users.
ShellPlus Components
Its an easy to use but powerful solution for those developers who needs to implement their own Namespace extensions, context menus, property sheets, explorer thumbnails, shell icons and much more. It takes care about all routine job!
ShellBrowser Components for Delphi
The ShellBrowser components give a Delphi programmer easy access to the Win32 shell functionality. The components look and behave exactly like the corresponding parts of the Explorer.
Shell Reset
Debugging of Shell extensions is a simple process, but some things still made developers "unhappy": dll's are locked by Explorer and other applications, some settings hidden in the registry. ShellReset utility solves these problems.
Share Serial Ports
Share Serial Ports creates virtual serial ports in your system that appear as copies of real ports and allows you to share real serial ports between multiple applications. All applications will be able to receive and send data to serial port.
Setup Specialist
Setup Specialist offers you a powerful and flexible way to deploy your application to your customers. The advanced customization capabilities of its visual development environment give you complete control of nearly any aspect of the setup process.
Serial Splitter
This application allows you to share a single serial port between several applications. It is achieved by creating virtual serial ports, which appear as copies of the real one. It can have up to 255 virtual ports.
Serial Port ActiveX Control
Use Serial Port component to easily communicate with external devices on RS232 connection - as modems, bar code readers, PBX etc. Serial Port introduces properties for serial port setting, methods to write/read from port, events for monitoring port.
SecureCode Protection
SecureCode is a new software protection based on the lastest techniques protection to provide a strong security to protect your software against reverse engineering and illegal copying.
SecureBlackbox (VCL)
SecureBlackbox is a comprehensive component collection that adds S/MIME, SSL/TLS, SSH, PKI, SFTP, PGP support to your Windows or Linux application. This is VCL edition (for Delphi, C++Builder, Kylix.
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