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» Utilities
» Shell Enhancements
UltraMouse is a very cool utility to help you make better use of your mouse by popping up a button menu and other move-based trigger, you can assign a function to every trigger, the functions includes simulate keystokes, launch a file.
TrayDay: today's date at a glance, in the Windows tray, with handy popup calendar. Can show week numbers to ISO (or your own) standard. A double-click types the date in the format of your choice. Julian Day and Internet Time features.
SendTo Magic
SendTo Magic 3.0 helps you maximize the powerful SendTo menu by giving you more file management options. SendTo Magic allows you to use the SendTo menu for copying and moving files, creating zip files, and uploading files to FTP sites.
12Ghosts 12Gee
These Windows enhancements automate tasks and make Windows run faster and smoother. Improve your productivity with Windows, and save plenty of time with these 'gems' of easy-to-use utilities.
Cool Desk
Cool Desk is a virtual desktop manager. Ever wish to have several screens on your computer? Cool Desk creates up to 9 virtual desktops and allows you to have different windows in each of them.
Access Folders
Access Folders is a fine Windows enhancement that keeps all of your directories and sub-directories within easy reach. The program integrates into Windows' standard Save As/Open dialogs which are used by most applications.
12Ghosts PowerGee
Security package with three get-the-job-done privacy tools, 12-Wash, 12-Popup-Killer, and 12-Shredder.
Active Captions
Active Captions is a handy utility that extends window's caption buttons with additional features. Right mouse button click on minimize button minimizes the window into the system tray.
OkPress automatically closes any message boxes or application dialog boxes when you press a mouse button. You can Minimize all windows at once, Shutdown or Reboot the system with one click, Quickly logoff.
Catfood Desktate
Catfood Desktate updates your desktop wallpaper with a map of the earth rotated so that it's always noon in the center of the screen. Desktate can also accurately plot day and night around the world - you can see sunrise, sunset and changing seasons.
Я горячий друг истины, но отнюдь не желаю быть ее мучеником. Вольтер
В пионерском лагере вожатый затевает игры с младшим отрядом - дети, угадайте, кто это: серенький, с ушками, все поле обскакал? Дети молчат. - ну, о ком мы столько песенок поем? Вовочка радостно кричит: - я знаю! Это дедушка Ленин!
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