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Spanish Whiz
Spanish Whiz is an excellent Spanish vocabulary building program with sound capabilities (practice listening and pronunciation), and the ability to create your own word lists. Extra sound files are available.
StartSpanish is designed for beginners and those who want to review their Spanish and quickly get back on track. It contains brief yet comprehensive explanations about all of the most important parts of Spanish grammar, combined with exercises.
ActivityMaker is an all-in-one vocabulary worksheet and puzzle creator, making over a dozen different types of worksheets from your words and definitions! Instant quizzes, crossword puzzles, shaped word searches, and much more with just a few clicks!
ActivityMaker 2
Creates instant multiple-choice Spelling Quizzes, Flash Cards, Vocab Bingo cards, Concentration Games, Vocab Coloring Sheets, Bulletin Board Signs, Blackout Puzzles, Handwriting Practice Worksheets, CLOZE worksheets, Vocabulary Mazes, and more!
Сердится первым тот, кто не прав. Уильям Пенн
Учитель физики собирается продемонстрировать классу опы по электричеству. Второгодник с задней парты спрашивает: - а не е..т? - да вроде бы не должно... Кто сказал??!!
Товарищ курсант, не делайте умное лицо, не забывайте, что вы будущий офицер.