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Shred XP
Using over a dozen government and industry-proven shredding methods, Shred XP returns control to you by securely deleting current files, previously 'deleted' files, the recycle bin, drive free space, file tips, names, dates, sizes.
Create A Quiz
Create A Quiz is a "computer assisted learning" software program that allows teachers, educators, parents and businesses to easily generate their own on-screen interactive quizzes, exams, surveys and questionnaires.
Homeopathic tool with Kent's Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica (abbr: 10,000+ rubrics in 36 chapters), Boericke's Materia Medica (abbr: 100 remedies with cross-references), Hahnemann's Organon of Medicine (complete 6th edition).
AptiQuiz is a test making, test taking, and test grading application that lets you easily generate, update and administer secure tests and track test results. Tests can be printed or issued right on the computer. Give AptiQuiz a try today!
PDF Builder
Utility to automatically create PDF files from different file types including DOC,XLS,DWG,MDB,JPG,GIF,BMP,TIF,RPT,PPT, and many more. Effortlessly combine the files into a single PDF file.
PE Compact
PECompact is an advanced Windows executable file compressor. It works by compressing the executable or module and then performing decompression in memory at runtime. Not only does this save space and bandwidth.
Идя на ковёр к начальнику, отожмись десять раз от пола. Авессалом Подводный
Девушка поздно вечером спускается в подземный пере- ход. Вдали горит одинокая лампочка. Вдруг видит -- навстречу идет мужчина с широко разведенными руками. Бандит! Девушка заме- талась, схватила камень и с криком: "Помогите!" бросила его в мужчину. Раздался звон и грохот. Потом ругательства. Когда девушка убежала, мужчина горько вздыхает: -- Господи! Так трудно вынести с завода стекло... И уже тре- тий раз какая-то стерва бьет его!..
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