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The Bible Collection
A classic and inspirational collection of beautiful note cards for all occasions featuring quotes from the Bible and paintings of nature. Cards are formatted and ready to print as needed. Inexpensive and easy-to-use.
Bible Collection Plus
Bible Collection Plus combines 2 award winning programs into 1 low priced, high value package. The Bible Collection is already a bargain at $12.99. Now, for only 99 cents more you also get Life Organizer for a savings of $10 or 42% for both products.
Biorhythms Studio II
Biorhythms Studio II through having a friendly interface and a set of powerful tools helps people investigate their biorhythms. Unlike other biorhythm programs, it can graph and anlyze four cycles: physical, intellectual, emotional, and intuitive.
Всякий Бог есть мера сущего. Прокл
-- Двойра, наша тетя Рахиль умерла, вот письмо из Америки. -- Ах, какое несчастье, какое несчастье! -- Погоди. Она завещала нам пять тысяч долларов... -- Ах, дай ей, Боже, здоровья!
За двумя зайцами погонишься - не вытащишь и pыбку из пpуда.