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SmartPacker improves space utilization in container shipping, trucking, and warehousing. The interface is very easy to understand, and the optimization engine used is Zhihuo's proprietary global optimization algorithm.
MyWorld Maintenance Standard
MyWorld Maintenance is easy to use preventive and repair maintenance software that can be used to track just about any type of object. Whether you are tracking facility maintenance, heavy equipment, or copy machines, this software will do the job.
Fleet Maintenance Pro Enterprise
Fleet Maintenance Pro Ent is easy to use fleet management software for shops. FMP alerts you when PM is due, tracks work orders, generates a fleet history, monitors operating costs, and tracks repairs, parts inventory, fuel, vendors, and drivers.
Fleet Maintenance Pro Standard
FMP makes it easy to manage preventive and repair maintenance on your fleet. FMP alerts you when PM is due, provides user-definable PM services, generates a fleet history, monitors operating costs, and tracks repairs, fuel, vendors, and drivers.
Classic Mustang Analyzer
Helps the Mustang enthusiast research 1964 through 1993 Ford Mustangs. Checks the authenticity of the cars construction for restoration purposes or just for fun.
Fleet Maintenance Pro Deluxe
FMP makes it easy to manage preventive and repair maintenance on your fleet. FMP alerts you when PM is due, provides user-definable PM schedules, generates a fleet history, monitors operating costs, and tracks repairs, fuel, vendors, and drivers.
Auto Maintenance Pro
Tracks and organizes preventive maintenance for home vehicles and equip. Automatically calculates maintenance due, issues reports, and generates history. Provides an unlimited number of user-definable mtc items. Track mtc by month, mileage, or hours.
Что сделалось смешным, не может быть опасным. Ф. Вольтер
Вы знаете, как приходят в гости и уходят из гостей люди разных национальностей? Русский приходит с ведром водки, а уходит с подбитым глазом. Украинец приходит с кольцом колбасы и куском сала, а уходит с песнями. Грузин приходит с ящиком коньяка, мешком мандаринов, а уходит с тостом. Еврей приходит с двоюродным братом, а уходит с кусоч- ком торта для тети Песи.
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