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» Teacher
School Maestro II
A comprehensive grading program with Internet report publishing. Tracks attendance, does seating charts, records subjective grades, creates reusable lesson plans, report cards, honor rolls, gpas, transcripts, contacts, appointments and form letters.
Test Maestro II
Test Maestro II is an advanced Windows based Test Bank and Test Generator for teachers. It creates fully formatted tests from a test bank of questions you enter or import. It includes a full featured word processor for composing the questions.
UserMonitor for Classroom or Computer Lab
UserMonitor assists teachers, instructors or administrators. You can broadcast your screen to other screens, see screens of other users and monitor active programs on other computers. Detect unauthorized software. Write messages. Close any programs.
ICanType! Deluxe
ICanType! Deluxe is a personal typing teacher, characterised by beautiful design, allows you to improve your typing skills. This course consists of 5 exercises. You'll learn Touch Typing from the "beginner" to the "advanced" level.
Произведение искусства - это уголок мироздания, увиденный сквозь призму определенного темперамента. Э. Золя
- почему библия неприемлема для коммунистов - по библии сначала был хаос, в который по божественному плану был внесен порядок. Коммунистический же опыт учит, что сначала был план, а потом наступил хаос.
При взгляде на ее лицо почему-то казалось, что у нее кривые ноги...