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» Teaching Tool
Reading Comprehension Booster
Reading Comprehension Booster helps students sharpen their critical thinking skills. Students work with exercises to determine main idea, make inferences and draw conclusions. Designed for students ages 8 and up.
Vocabulary Fitness
Vocabulary Fitness is a self-paced skill-building software program that helps students improve their vocabulary skills and provides teachers with measurable results.
Grammar Fitness
Grammar Fitness is a self-paced software program that helps students cope with many troublesome points of grammar while providing teachers with measurable results.
Business English Fitness
Business English Fitness is self-paced grammar improvement software that helps students improve the clarity and strength of their business writing, and provides measurable results.
Fraction Shape-Up
Fraction Shape-Up. Introduces fraction concepts and helps students develop skills necessary for understanding and working with fractions. Designed for students ages 8 and up.
Accu-Reading provides short non-fiction selections designed to improve specific reading skills: main idea, vocabulary, sequence, factual recall, inference, and drawing conclusions.
Basic Algebra Shape-Up
Basic Algebra Shape-Up helps students master specific basic algebra skills. Concepts covered include creating formulas; using ratios, proportions, and scale; working with integers, simple and multi-step equations.
Paragraph Punch
Paragraph Punch helps students learn how to write an effective paragraph. Dtudents develop an idea, and write their own topic sentence, body, and conclusion. Program prompts guide students step by step through the writing process.
IMS Assesst Designer
IMS Assesst Designer is web-based assessment creation tool. Authors can create, modify, delete and rearrange questions in assessment with ease. This complies the IMS Project Question and Test Interoperability (QTI). Export/Import assessts.