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The Panic Button - Privacy Software
Privacy software to instantly clean your screen! Then restore your data later without losing anything. Just a keypress, mouse click or our unique screenwipe is all that is required to keep your private data from prying eyes!
Tapping Test
To keep health from a growth of overfatigue and to supervise efficiency in sport.
True Score 2
An alternative analysis answers practical questions from test scores for managing your course, teaching, and students. It indicates levels of thinking and promotes active learning. Mastery, unfinished, and discriminating questions are graphed.
knowMetrics (online testing software)
KnowMetrics (online testing software) is the ideal tool for teachers, trainers, educators, webmasters looking for a quick and simple way to put their test online. KnowMetrics offer the easiest way to do this.
The best education software. Test your memory in this education program. EduProfix is NOT another boring educational software. It is actually a funny game. Racing game. However it is important to know something more than just racing!
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