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Simpledit is a customizable text editor with a multiple document interface, a taskbar, and many great features.


SayPad, the freeware talking text editor can read you a good book or help you write one, using SAPI 5.1 Text To Speech (included). It can convert Text to MP3 for a whole book in one run, splitting off chapters into well named MP3 files.

Race Manager

Motorsports event management software for auto racing, karting, 4WD and more. Manage your memberships, dues, event entries and signups with this easy to use software. Track membership dates, medical cards, licenses, and generate over 40 reports.


Scratchboard is an essential, time-saving personal organizer that provides rapid access to your important information. This information can be organized in a 'tree' structure, which can be quickly navigated to find what you need.

Race Driver

Race driver and race car management for auto racing, karting and 4WD. Track all your sessions - practice, qualifying, or a race - and save data on tire temps, tire pressures, oil, water, gearing and shock/spring settings. Ideal for multi-car teams.


Snip-Its allows you to store your notes, emails, texts, hyperlinks - any kind of text data - in a hierarchical manner. Ideal for writers wanting to gather facts, bibliographical entries, notes. Can be used to create to-do lists, daily logs.


Snippet is a simple text editor designed for organizing and saving text. It includes a text editor with search and print capabilities, and keeps it's text files organized in a tree list. Snippet is ideal for saving small bits of information.

Speaking Notepad

Hello! I'm Speaking Notepad! I am useful and handy analog of Microsoft Notepad. I can read your documents aloud with various voices, read clipboard content and record voice to MP3 or WAV. I'm sure, we'll become friends!


TextIt handle unformatted text and works well with files over the 64kB limitation in e.g. notepad. The most common utilities are included, like: Search, Replace, Undo, Redo, Print and Run.


Texturizer is a powerful, yet simple to use text editor with lots of advanced features, such as complete Macro support, a configurable toolbar, Cliptext lists, customizable keyboard shortcuts, clean Tab interface, lots of options and much more.

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