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» Text To Speech
Full-featured, easy-to-use, natural sounding text-to-speech toolbar for Internet Explorer В®. ReadingBar 2 is multi-lingual and compatible with the AT&T Natural Voices speech engine. Comes with a built-in Reading Window similar to ReadPlease 2003.
Visual Text To Speech MP3
Visual Text To Speech MP3 can convert text to MP3, MP2, WAV, Ogg and VOX formats. It lets you listen to text instead of reading on screen. You can create voice files from any text you want (email, eBooks...) and hear later at your convenience.
GroupsAloud, the worlds first talking Usenet News Reader, brings an unlimited amount of great information and conversation to you without the hassle of reading or even being tied to your computer. Supports optional premium voices from AT&T, Cepstral
Natural Voice Text to Speech Reader
This is a free and fully functional text-to-speech software with Microsoft Voices. Just one-click, you can have your computer read any part of the news, weather forecast, charting messages, and e-mails.
NewsAloud personal news agent from NextUp.com finds the stories you want, then reads them aloud in a natural, human sounding voice. Supports optional premium voices from AT&T, Cepstral and NeoSpeech.
Доброта лучше красоты. Г. Гейне
Философа спросили: "Как можешь ты снисходить до того, чтобы учиться у каждого человека?" Он ответил: "Я знаю, что уче- ние -- благо, из какого бы источника его ни черпать".
Меняю: дачу в Секторе Газа с заминированным картофельным полем и прекрасным березовым садом - на тонну гороха и партию трубочек для плевания