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» Time Synchronization
PresenTense NTP Auditor
PresenTense NTP Auditor monitors your computer's built-in clock and compares it's time to the real time. PresenTense NTP Auditor can save logs for days, months and years so you can PROVE what time your computer had at any given point.
4D Keeper
4D Keeper automatically synchronizes PC clock with exact-time servers (including NIST time servers). Two automatic modes allow periodical adjustment of clock, and running the program when Windows starts. It is possible to edit interface color schemes
Easy Time
Easy Time is the diary with integrated alarm clock and reminder program including time synchronization abilities. An intuitive environment lets you to manage your notes via diary and to create reminders. Events (alarms) can sent e-mails when raised.
Талант без гения ненамного возвышается над уровнем голой виртуозности. Г. Гегель
- товарищ Сталин, что нам делать с Синявским - эта какой Сынавский? Футбольный камэнтатор? - нет, товарищ Сталин, писатель. - а зачем нам два Сынавских?
Современный мужчина - одной бутылки мало, одной бабы много.