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» Typing
HandyScript for Windows
HandyScript introduces a fast, accurate and intuitive way to type text using a keypad. Using a combination of just 11 symbols on a keypad, you can quickly construct letters, words and punctuations. Typing 2 strokes per character is made easy and fun.
DialDictate lets you dictate by telephone. You, and other users, dial into a computer running DialDictate to record dictation. Recording, replay, editing and file management are controlled by pressing numbers on your telephone keypad.
Spacebar functions automatically as both spacebar and shift key. Handy new functions
for the shift keys. Works in background of most applications.
Advanced Speed Typing
Advanced Speed Typing is a full featured typing tutor that uses animated hands to teach the location of the keys. AST also includes new and unique features to help experienced typists gain greater speed.
Letter Chase Typing Tutor
Letter Chase Typing Tutor is a full featured typing program that uses a visual method to teach the location of the keys. Letter Chase also includes new and unique features to help experienced typists type even faster.
Кто мудр, тот и добр. Сократ
Пришел к богатому соседу бедный, а богатый как раз обе- дал. Ну и приглашает бедняка к столу. -- Садись обедать, Панько. -- Да спасибо. -- Ну хоть немного. - Да нет у меня ложки. - Эй, жена, убирай со стола! Панько не хочет обедать.
Саша! Я тебя очень-очень сильно хочу. За вознагpаждение.