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High efficient Data Compression Library for Delphi
The utility for automating routine computer tasks. It can archive data, run windows applications, copy files and folders,download files, send emails, start and stop NT services, etc. Tasks can be started by scheduler, system events, manually.
Multi Replace
Need to change some text that could be in hundreds of text files? Multi Replace will help you with only several clicks. The text replacement tool can replace single words or entire paragraphs. You can choose file mask and some useful options.
E-Store Builder ASP Edition
The product allows you to sell online services (e-store ownership) using monthly subscription to customers who want to have E-Store without having to buy and host scripts needed for that.
Кто привык быть неискренним с другими, тот в конце концов перестает быть искренним с собой. Ф. Ларошфуко
- знаешь, выпустили Майн Рида - да, теперь многих выпускают.
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