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» VB DotNet
VB Source Code Controls
Visual Basic Source Code that demonstrates how to make VB Controls by using a Picturebox and pure VB Code. Free source code for making Command Buttons and additional source code for making Calendars, Clocks, Sliders and a Scheduler is available.
TurboVBLite is a feature packed freeware tool for VB6 - a major enhancement to its IDE.
It has over 15 add-ins that will provide you with real productivity gains.
TurboVB is an integrated feature packed tool for VB6 - a major enhancement to its IDE.
It has over 40 add-ins that will provide you with real productivity gains. Free support & updates and a site licence as standard.
SkinCrafter Component lets developers create applications that users can easily skin. With support for Win32 languages that support COM objects, SkinCrafter increases the value of applications by giving them a modern look and feel.
MSDE Manager
Manage MSDE/SQL databases via an intuitive graphical interface and do all of the common operations that a typical deployment of MSDE/SQL would entail and much more besides. Add, edit and delete Databases, Tables, Views, Users, Rules, SP's & more.
blueshell ADO Survey Kit
bAsk - the blueshell ADO Survey Kit - is a new diagnostic toolkit for ADO programmers. It presents viewers for all types of ADObjects. bAsking is better than debugging! It's freeware!
Link bask.dll to your VB project and view all your ADObjects!
MCCombox is an Access style multi column combobox for all your projects in Visual Basic, C++, etc.
Advanced Live Update ActiveX Control
Advanced Live Update Control makes an easy way to add an Online Update feature for your software. It was designed to be as friendly as possible, by providing features such as no user input to run in the background and event-driven notifications.
Dynamic AutoComplete Tool
Add AutoComplete to your WinForms application and improve your users' productivity by more than 100% (source: www.humanfactors.com). With Dynamic AutoComplete Tool, it's just a few mouse clicks away. Don't wait for Whidbey; have AutoComplete now!
CG Pro
RFG Software is the publisher of CG Pro, which is a sophisticated code generation tool. CG Pro generates a full n-tier application based upon existing Microsoft SQL Server databases.
Если бы люди сходили с ума на один лад, то они могли бы ужиться довольно хорошо. Ф. Бэкон
Жарко. Крестьянина, медленно едущего по пыльной степ- ной дороге, совсем разморило. -- Не помню такого жаркого лета,-- бормочет он. -- И я тоже,-- замечает лошадь. -- Что? Что такое? -- воскликнул крестьянин,-- Первый раз слышу, чтобы лошадь говорила. -- И я тоже,-- согласилась телега.
Эротический фильм "Крутой спуск"