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Virtual Flower
Create flowers and geometrical patterns in 3D. Watch them grow or unfold. A swirling pattern of stars suddenly coalesces into a geodesic sphere with all the points gracefully touching. Files are tiny, 4 - 5 KB usually, suitable for web pages.
WireFusion 3D
WireFusion 3D is an add-on for WireFusion. With this add-on you can create real time interactive 3D presentations for the web. No plugin is required to view the presentations and the 3D engine, written in pure Java 1.1 code, is only 25 kb.
wodDHCPServer is a DHCP server component (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), available as COM object and ActiveX control. It provides a framework for passing configuration information to hosts on TCP/IP network.
Patchwork is a feature rich tool to create and compile a seamless photo montage which can be used to tile or border the background of your home page, Desktop, CD-covers etc. The program provides detailed control over the appearance of the collage.
7tools DVD Grab & Burn
Copy your favorite DVD videos to DVD-R with this reliable DVD to DVD copy expert. It lets you to grab, burn, and copy any DVD.
Mastering and authoring functions are also available.
honestech MPEG Encoder
Honest Technology’s MPEG Encoder 5.0 for converting and compressing AVI, DV-AVI, DivX & MPEG-4 files to MPEG-1&-2 formats (including VCD, SVCD & DVD). Very powerful, easy to use and affordable, it guarantees the highest quality encoding.
Кого бы ни взялся изображать человек, он всегда играет вместе с тем и себя самого. М. Монтень
- что это за люди едут с нами? - спрашивает иностранец переполненном автобусе. - это хозяева страны! - а это кто проехал? - он показывает на обогнавшую их "Чайку". - а это слуги народа!
Давись, рыба, большая и маленькая!