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VideoSnaps provides for 'one touch' extraction of high quality and distinct Photographs, from a Video file - no more 'manual' picking of frames - NeuralTek's image matching techniques automatically look for unique pictures in the video.
VideoReDo QuickEdit
Frame accurate edit your MPEG videos 10x faster without loosing quality. Solve MPEG video sync issues quickly and reliably. Thousands of users love VideoReDo because they can easily edit TV Commercials from their MPEG1 and MPEG2 captured shows.
Video Fun Box
Video fun box is more than just a video titling package. It includes a wide range of fully customizable digital video effects that are so flexible that the only limit is your own creativity!
Ulead MediaStudio Pro
Ulead(R) MediaStudio(R) Pro 7 is a complete, digital video suite for professionals and enthusiasts. MediaStudio's modular package offers REALTIME Software Preview, Output and MPEG Encoding for output in any format.
Ulead DVD Workshop
Ulead® DVD Workshop™ is powerful, yet flexible DVD authoring software designed for creative video professionals and enthusiasts.
Ulead DVD MovieFactory
Ulead® DVD MovieFactory™ 2 provides the easiest way to burn home movies onto DVD or CD. Produce professional-style DVDs to play on your home DVD player.
Ulead COOL 3D
Ulead(R) COOL 3D(TM) 3.5 allows designers to create high-impact, animated 3D titles and graphics for output as still images, GIF animation, video or 3D Macromedia(R) Flash(TM) movies.
SnatchIt! Video Screen Capture
SnatchIt! Video Screen Capture software takes screen caps of MPEG,AVI,WMV,DivX files to create high-quality thumbnails. Features include the ability to navigate frame by frame to capture a frame of video and auto-trimming the borders around images.
ACD VideoMagic
ACD VideoMagic lets you share memorable videos of life's great moments without investing a lot of time on digital video production or money on digital video editing software. With ACD VideoMagic digital video software, movies happen automagically!
A powerful and simple to use audio editor, even beginners can be productive in minutes.
Record, edit, and mix sound across 8 tracks and export wav or mp3 files in up to 16 bit 48 KHz audio, all in real time. 7 powerful sound effects + DMO effects.
Возобновленная рана много хуже противу новой. К. Прутков
. Англичанам, привыкшим к фунтам, пинтам и галлонам*, тяжело дается переход на метрическую систему. Переход этот по- родил уже массу анекдотов. Вот один из них. -- Мама, а что такое литр? -- Литр? Это, примерно, то же самое, что и метр, но в мок- ром виде.
Экономисты отвечают на вопросы не потому, что знают на них ответы; они отвечают потому, что их спрашивают.