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» Web Development
Web Designers Toolkit Collection #2
Professional Web Toolkit for webmasters, web designers and web developers. Integrate winning-award and professional script authoring tools into one interface.
Web Designers Toolkit 4th Collection
Professional Web Toolkit for webmasters, web designers and web developers. Integrate winning-award and professional script authoring tools into one interface.
Web Designers Toolkit 3rd Collection
Professional Web Toolkit for webmasters, web designers and web developers. Integrate winning-award and professional script authoring tools into one interface.
Scripts Encryptor (ScrEnc)
Scripts Encryptor is a handy utility to scramble (obfuscate) HTML, JavaScript/JScript, C/C++/MFC code. Use it to protect your online content from unauthorized copying, reverse engineering and from webbots collecting email addresses and personal data.
Scroll Image
For exploring a large image from a small window. This new scrolling viewer displays a much larger image in a smaller window.
Sydock XML Forms
Sydock XML Forms allows you to work with XML-forms in the same way as with regular forms in popular text-processors, such as MS Office.
* WYSIWYG XML Forms editor
* Automated XML Schema Validation
Secure Image Pro Mac
Copy protect the images on your web or CD site using image encryption and domain lock. Secure Image Pro is recommended image protection for photographers and advertising professionals. Pro will enctrypt more than 3,000 images on a single click.
Secure Image Pro OSX
Copy protect the images on your web site or CD using image encryption and domain lock. Secure Image Pro is recommended image protection for photographers and advertising professionals. Pro will enctrypt more than 3,000 images on a single click.
Stunnix JavaScript Obfuscator
Stunnix JavaScript Obfuscator is very advanced professional obfuscator for .js/.html/.asp/.php/.wsc/.wsh files, with support for encoding and ensuring licensing condititions, with advanced GUI with Project Manager and ActiveX symbols extraction tool.
Stauri Solo
This product is a complete solution for building intelligent interactive online agents for a variety of purposes. It enables you to deliver content in an interactive and intuitive way.
Лучшее - враг хорошего. Но не самый злой. Авессалом Подводный
Английский лорд после кораблекрушения очутился на не- обитаемом острове, где он построил себе три хижины. Через не- которое время его обнаружил другой корабль. Один из высадив- шихся матросов спросил: -- А зачем вам три хижины? -- Знаете, в одной я живу, другая -- клуб, который я посе- щаю, а третья -- клуб, который я игнорирую.
О худых женщинах: Cухие палки жарче горят