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» Web Utilities
Use WinMHT to save collections of one or more Web pages, along with their associated images, sounds, scripts and other page elements, all in the one convenient Web archive file (.MHT). Distribute and view Web archives offline using Internet Explorer.
TextPipe Web Search and Replace
Fix your million page website FAST! with advanced multi-file, multi-folder search and replace, with multi-line exact matches, sounds-like and typographical error correction, pattern matching. Winner of SIA 2003 "Best Application" award.
The first software in the world designed for indirect assessment
of site indexation in search engines (from 20 countries!), for
revealing unindexed pages, and for creating a list of pages that
contain links to your site.
RankMeter is a ranking tool, designed to locate web-sites positions in search engines. Program work with 300+ search engines from 37 countries.
Power Email Verifier
Power Email Verifier can check your email lists for valid emails. It can import large lists with no problem. Uses multithreading to verify emails at a very fast rate. Simulates the sending of email without sending any messages.
Power Email Extractor Lite
You can extract up to 100,000 unique email addressees per hour from newsgroup postings with this simple to use tool. Works many times faster than search engine email extraction programs that use multi threading.
Power Email Collector
Fast-multithreaded email address collector. Collect email addresses from domains like hotmail.com Collects over 500,000 valid emails an hour. Auto save extracted addresses. Includes a utility for merging/deduping large email address files.
Darn! Passwords!
Darn! Passwords! keeps track of all those pesky passwords you need for the Internet, on line services, financial sites, and other secure programs. You remember one password. Darn! Passwords! remembers all the rest.
Meta Image Search
Meta Image Search is a software for searching images in search engines by search phrases.
Program shows shortcuts of images and it's details like format, resolution, size, etc.
1-2-3 WebPassword
Using WebPassword, a website owner is able to protect his HTML page with a password quickly, easily and reliably. WebPassword features easy-to-use wizard-type interface. WebPassword uses strong cryptoalgorithm. WebPassword supports all hosting types.
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