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» Word Processors
Race Manager
Motorsports event management software for auto racing, karting, 4WD and more. Manage your memberships, dues, event entries and signups with this easy to use software. Track membership dates, medical cards, licenses, and generate over 40 reports.
Race Driver
Race driver and race car management for auto racing, karting and 4WD. Track all your sessions - practice, qualifying, or a race - and save data on tire temps, tire pressures, oil, water, gearing and shock/spring settings. Ideal for multi-car teams.
Jarte is a compact, free word processor and Wordpad replacement with a unique interface. Features RTF and DOC support, OLE support, tabbed document access, spell check, page breaks, print preview, clip history, online reference bar, and many more.
! TreePad SAFE
Personal Information Manager (PIM) and database, password protected with high-security encryption, Word Processor, multi-import/export, search, bookmarks, recycler, 10 skins, favorites, hyperlinks, sort, auto-save, auto-indent, images+icons, etc.
Ideaspad, helps you be more organized. Tree navigation, a powerful information organisation feature. A word processor, including spell checker. Topics and icons making it easy to use. An information manager (or PIM) a database of your information.
! TreePad PLUS
All in one! Intuitive PIM/database, Word Processor, PhotoAlbum, Website Generator, templates, multi-search, multi import/export, bookmarks, recycler, 10 skins, favorites, hyperlinks, sort, auto-number, auto-save, auto-indent, images+icons, etc.
NoteTab Pro
A leading-edge, award-winning text and HTML editor. Handle huge files with ease, convert text to HTML, build document templates and take charge of your code. Fully extensible, with a powerful scripting language to meet the needs of the serious user.
ActiveTreeNotes is a blazingly fast, very simple to use information organizer. Using a hierarchical metaphor (tree based), you can create and organize any kind of information, from websites, to ski resorts, to recipes, to writing snippets.
Book Writer
Book Writer is a Windows 95/98/NT/2K/XP creative-writing environment that
includes a dictionary, a thesaurus, and the Project Commander, which centrally
controls project files. Organize, copy, move, zip, index, and search project files.
! TreePad Lite for Linux
Award winning, pioneer Tree-structured personal database/PIM + text editor w/ advanced search: powerful time-saver and a highly intuitive way for storing/retrieving notes, emails, texts, hyperlinks, etc.
Бердыш в руках воина то же, что меткое слово в руках писателя. К. Прутков
Брежнев связался по прямому проводу с Никсоном, чтоб рассказать ему свой сон: над Белым домом развевается красный флаг! Назавтра Никсон позвонил Брежневу и рассказал ему свой сон: над Кремлем развевается красный флаг! - так оно и есть, - ответил Брежнев, - над кремлем действительно развевается красный флаг. - да, но на том красном флаге, который я видел во сне, - сказал Никсон, - было что-то написано по-китайски!
Тихо джипами шурша, крыша едет не спеша