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» Education
» Word Puzzles
Word-Fit is a bilingual (fr,en) crossword puzzle game generator software. You may generate french or english wordfit crossword puzzles with this game software. Complete the 20x20 grill with the supplied word list then create a new one to play again.
WordLab is a challenging new game that will change the way you spell FUN. At the start of each round you are presented with a 5, 6 or 7 letter word with hidden letters. Reach deep into your problem solving skills to guess the missing letters.
jSaver will let you display all of your pictures one at a time automatically! You just select the folder and the amount of time you want each picture displayed and jSaver takes over from there!
Crossword Express
Make your own crosswords and other word puzzles using your own words and clues. Print your puzzles, export to the Clipboard and paste into your Desk Top Publishing application, or publish them on the web using any of the seven free Java Applets.
[миф об Андромеде] ...Отец опечаленный с матерью рядом - Оба несчастны они, но матери горе законней. Овидий
У рыбака кончились черви. Он взял бумажку, написал на ней "червяк" и забросил удочку в речку. Видит -- клюет. Вытащил удочку, а на крючке висит доска, и на ней написано "сазан",
На безрыбье и слона из мух сделаешь!