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ScholarWord MLA Edition
ScholarWord is a Multi-Platform, MS-Word integration that helps you overcome the obstacles you may encounter in academic writing. ScholarWord accomplishes this by seamlessly integrating powerful tools and information into your writing environment.
E-Diary Gold
Discover how you can use this program to keep a safe and permanent record of what could be one of your life's most precious possessions: your private and personal thoughts, your reflections, the daily events of your life,... Very easy to use.
All-in-One Journal
A full featured Journal that includes Audio Record & Playback. Great for personalizing your entries, recording your children or grandchildren, leaving messages, reminders and more. Includes the flexibility of sharing your entries with other users.
Grammar Slammer with Checkers
English grammar + spelling checkers with help + reference that answers the questions the checkers raise. Complete reference integrated with checkers. Handy + Easy. Use as tutor, too. Windows 95 or higher.
Grammar Slammer
English grammar help + reference that answers the questions the grammar checker cannot. Get Answers not Questions and real grammar help for Windows. Handy + Easy. Use as tutor, too.
Personal Knowbase
Take control of your notes with Personal Knowbase. This freeform text organizer uses a keyword-based system to store and retrieve related information easily by association. Make a personal knowledge base of your research notes, messages, and ideas.
ActiveDiary is a password-protected diary application. The program uses RSA and Blowfish encryption to protect your data and files. The program offers a number of integrated functions to journal your life and all of your information.
Продолжительность времени зависит от нашего настроения. Размеры пространства обусловлены нашим сознанием. Хун Цзычен
Театр. После антракта в темноте опоздавшие пробирают- ся на свои места. -- Простите, это не вам я наступил на ногу, когда выходил из зала? -- Да, мне! -- Пошли, дорогая! Это наш ряд!
Не заебу, так забрызгаю.