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VisNetic AntiVirus for Workstations
VisNetic AntiVirus for Workstations provides reliable virus protection to your computer, whether the threat arrives via email, web, ftp, or various other delivery methods. Comes complete with scanner and an automated update scheduler.
VisNetic Firewall
More secure than application-level firewalls, yet more cost effective than competing packet-level firewalls, VisNetic Firewall provides protection to Windows-based Servers, stand alone PCs, and/or LAN workstations from internal and external threats.
VisNetic MailScan for SMTP
Unsurpassed Email Protection:VisNEtic MailScan for SMTP offers incredible network Email protection and an unsurpassed ability to detect, detain and delete infected Email.
VisNetic MailServer
VisNetic Mail Server is a high performance mail server with an extensive, highly configurable feature set. This secure mail server is also ideal for use as a gateway mail server, features built-in anti spam, Web mail and an instant messaging server.
VISOCO dbExpress Driver for Sybase (Linux version)
dbExpress Driver for Sybase (Linux version) is a lightweight database driver that provide fast access between Borland applications and Sybase database using new dbExpress technologies.
For more www.visoco.com
Visual Build Professional
Visual Build Professional enables software developers to create an automated, repeatable process for building and deploying quality software. It provides built-in support for Microsoft Visual Studio, Borland Delphi, C++Builder and more.
Visual Comparer
Visual Comparer it is file compare and merge utility for text files with support strict lexical and syntax highlight of constructions in various programming languages.
Visual Hindsight Home Edition
Monitor your home or business over the Internet with Visual Hindsight-powerful, simple to use, affordable to own. Visual Hindsight is the ideal remote network camera surveillance and recording tool for private or commercial use.
Злоупотребление научным языком превращает в науку слов то, что должно быть наукой фактов. Ж. Кондорсе
Как-то мудреца спросили: -- Почему друзья легко изменяют, а враги мало когда стано- вятся друзьями? Он ответил: -- Построить дворец труднее, чем его разрушить, вазу изго- товить трудно, а разбить легко; а деньги труднее нажить, нежели прогулять. Вот и думайте сами...