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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



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BWMeter is a powerful bandwidth meter, monitor and traffic controller, which measures, displays and controls all traffic to/from your computer or on your network.

DMControls.FontListCombo .NET control

FontListCombo is a font picker .NET control for developers, which allows to arrange and manage all installed fonts with ease. Provides different styles for fonts representation.The control can be simply modified by manipulating design time properties

Multi Clipboard

Copy any 1 of 1000s of pre-written text fields into the Windows Clipboard. When filling in forms, etc, it is nice to have all the information on a given subject at your disposal. With Multi Clipboard you can access to 1000s of fields.

Easy Password Storage

Store all your passwords for easy access in one secure, encrypted location.

Luxena dbExpress eXtension

leverages dbExpress applications development with a large set of advanced features, sure to simplify BDE/ADO to dbExpress migration. dbExpress eXtension is unique BDE and ADO alternative for dbExpress development

Advanced Find and Replace

Search files with smart queries as with AltaVista, replace simple or multiline text in multiple files. The batch replace operation easily updates hundreds of different links in several files. Extremely fast, easy to use, with excellent help.

Five Cellular Automata

Ssoftware for exploring five cellular automata: q-state Life, the Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction, Togetherness, Viral Replication and Diffusion-Limited Aggregation

Easy Video Joiner

AVI joiner, MPEG joiner, RM joiner, WMV/ASF joiner...all are in Easy Video Joiner. Easy Video Joiner help you join multiple AVI, MPEG (MPG) or RM (Real Media), WMV/ASF files into one large movie. It can also join most audio files with popular format.

Fast EBook Compiler

Fast EBook Compiler is a publishing tool used to create a compressed, encrypted, and virus-protected e-book in an executable file that does not require any installation or additional viewer/reader software.

Iraqi Most Wanted, Card Games

A premium collection of 5 great card games using the Iraqi Most Wanted Playing Cards, they were distributed to the coalition soldiers to help capturing the wanted people.

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...Все определяется тем, чего ищешь в жизни, и еще тем, что ты спрашиваешь с себя и с других.
С. Моэм


Пять минут до открытия винно-водочного магазина: народ
стоит толпой, оживленные разговоры. Две минуты до открытия: на-
чинает выстраиваться очередь, разговоры затихают. Одна минута
до открытия: очередь вытянута, как струна, мертвая тишина, все в
напряжении. Вдоль очереди чинно идет кот. Один мужик не выдер-
живает -- хватает его за шкирку и швыряет:
-- Все коты, как коты. А этот -- "топ-топ, топ-топ"!


Кому попало меня не давали.

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