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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



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MahJongg solitaire with numbered or Chinese tile sets. Board editor included - build your own game. Along with the classic board, there are many different game boards to challenge you.


FastWSS is a program that is thought to download as many images as possible in automatic mode. Optimized intelligent navigation engine allow to obtain pictures so fast that you can watch a real-time slide-show even with an analog phone line.


Database manager where you don't have to create tables, fields, indices or foreign keys. These are created and maintained automatically as you enter new information. You can go backward and forward in time to remember the information days ago.

Animated Alphabet for Windows

Teaches letter sounds using upper and lower case letters. Covers long and short vowels. When the child correctly identifies the letter sound they are rewarded with a silly animation using 3D graphics.

3D Stacked Horizontal Bar Graph Software

Web Enabled solution for creating Stacked Horizontal Charts & Graphs. Web Authors and Developers can easily build and publish dynamic graphs. Free Trial and Money Back Guarantee, try it out today.

Irbis Firewall

A firewall and proxy-server application intended for protecting computers running Windows 2000/XP against network attacks, exercising control over Internet access, filtering dangerous and useless web-content, and more...


AnyDVD is a driver, which descrambles DVD-Movies automatically in the background. This DVD appears unprotected and region code free for all applications and the Windows operating system as well.

AceMoney Lite

AceMoney Lite makes it easy to manage a checkbook, create and manage budgets, juggle finances in multiple currencies, track spending habits, record expenses, transfer among accounts and even do on-line banking.

AudioEdit Deluxe

Visual audio editor and converter supporting CD, MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG, VOX, etc. It can open; create; save; play; record; cut; copy; delete; paste; mix; amplify; fade; invert; normalize; reverse; silence; shrink, stretch; reverb; filter and much more

AceReader Pro Deluxe (For Mac)

Speed Reading, Assessment and Online Reader Software. Improve your reading skills by training with Drills. Track your progress by taking Comprehension Tests (for grades 1-12 plus adult). Read efficiently online with the Online Reader.

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Ш. Монталамбер


Людоеды-дикари в далеких джунглях поймали европейца-
путешественника. Поставили котел на огонь и собираются его сва-
рить. Вождь племени говорит:
-- Если ты меня чем-нибудь удивишь, мы тебя пощадим.
Путешественник достает из кармана зажигалку, нажимает
рычажок, появляется пламя.
-- Вот здорово! -- восхищен вождь.-- Ты меня действительно
удивил. Первый раз вижу, чтобы зажигалка загоралась с первого раза.


Предъявляет жалобы на головную боль в заднем проходе.

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