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» Graphic Apps
Active Server Image
Generate server side custom industrial, manufacture, business, medical, chemical charts in Bmp,Jpg, Png format for MS ASP. It handles multiple concurrent requests, while its light weight design consumes only a small amount of system resources.
CardBase 2000
CardBase is a small, easy to use, address book and phone dialer that makes a nice replacement for the standard MS Windows Cardfile. Along with the regular fields for names, addresses and phone numbers, CardBase can also store email addresses and URLs
Bar Code 128
Print bar code 128 directly from Windows! You get subsets A, B, C, & UCC/EAN 128. Includes standard and human readable versions of code 128. Plus VBA functions for Excel and Access, Word label templates, and our Bar128 utility to calculate checksums.
DemonStar - Secret Missions 1
The Xidus have been developing in secret new, more powerful DemonStar
ships to destroy Earth. Your job is to battle your way through hordes of new enemies, and destroy their devastating new weapons!
Luxena dbExpress driver for Informix Lite
is a nice alternative to Borland's one by means of excellent design, good performance, mature bugless status, wide range of supported Informix Servers and advanced features
3D Crazy Ballz
Lines remake in full 3D with outstanding graphics and cool sounds ! In this game your task is to remove ballz from the table by grouping them in three different patterns (lines,blocks or star).
Messenger Ad Blocker
Users around the world began receive Windows popup messages appearing on their computers. This advertisement is the newest form of sending annoying ads right to your desktop. Now you can stop these annoying spam messages and protect your desktop!
Advanced File Organizer
Easy-to-use cataloging software for sorting out disks and files. Organize all kinds of media (CD, DVD, floppies, local and network drives etc.) into a hierarchical tree by their location or file categories and find any file in a matter of seconds.
AttributeMagic Standard
Rename, change file/folder date-time stamps and attributes in batch mode. Powerful file renaming utility. You can set or reset individual attributes, Accessed, Modified and Created dates, date-time shifting and masking, filters.
Человек, ограниченный собственным умом. Авессалом Подводный
Идет алкаш по берегу. Видит - выбросило на берег золоту рыбку. Лежит, хвостом бьет, просит бросить ее в воду, обещает исполнить три желания. - дай кружку пива на опохмел! появляется кружка пива. Алкаш хватает рыбку, лупит ею по тыльной стороне кисти: - вот и таранька есть!
Лучше подло, чем никогда (Дон Мерзавец.)