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» Graphic Apps
aCalendarForge builds HTML pages to show events as calendars, agenda, and logs. Event files can be tab separated text from spreadsheets or databases. Runs as a Mac OS X Cocoa application and as a java application on other platforms.
Jazzmin for BOUNCIN' (PalmOS)
Complete levels on the "Keys" and Keys II" boards to get Jazzmin Naked! Check out the FREE trial version, and then purchase the uncensored "Full" version where Jazzmin takes it all off in 36 different poses!
123 Flash Chat Server Software
A real-time chat, full-featured java server& cool flash client. Integrated to ur database of forum or website. With moderated chat& AD banner. Low Port support. Customizable to admin and end-user. High load support . It's a fast, easy and affordable.
African Geography Tutor
Want to brush up on the names and locations of the 50 or so countries of modern Africa? This program from the Family Games Web Center will help you. A study mode and two quiz modes make the learning easy.
Ella for Spam FREE
Ella for Spam FREE is the FREE version of the award winning Ella for Spam Control for Outlook 2000/02/03 (sorry no Outlook Express) Ella is THE Smart Inbox Assistant, learning by example to quickly organize and automate the processing of email.
Morovia Barcode ActiveX Control
Morovia Barcode ActiveX is an extremely powerful ActiveX control for creating high quality barcode images. It can be used in any ActiveX-compliant environments.
Automatic appointment reminder by phone from Microsoft Outlook. A FREE Outlook addin that takes advantage the telephony capabilities of Voicent Gateway, a VoiceXML gateway from Voicent Communications. Free version available. Never miss an app again.
Internet Access Monitor for WinGate
Internet Access Monitor is a software for monitoring the efficiency of your company's Internet bandwidth usage. Using this product you can easily find out who, when, where to, where from and what accessed the Internet.
IP-Authorizer for Georgia Softworks
Access manager for Georgia Softworks Telnet Server (GSW). Restrict or authorize access by password, domain name, user name and IP address (including access by dynamic IP) includes server Watch-List and email alert notifications.
Network Traffic Multi Optional Report
This report turns the Traffic Statistics freeware into a traffic monitoring and bandwidth accounting system. Traffic cut by local hosts is shown and users can query the traffic for arbitrary time intervals, services and target hosts using wildcards.
По телам врагов трудно прийти к себе. Авессалом Подводный
Англичанин, француз и русский делятся своими взглядами н счастье в жизни. - я испытываю счастье, - говорит англичанин, - когда зи- мой, после хорошей охоты возвращаюсь домой и со стаканом хоро- шего бренди располагаюсь в кресле напротив горящего камина. - для меня счастье, - говорит француз, - когда я в хорошем ресторане вкушаю хорошую пищу и пью хорошее вино в компании прекрасной женщины, а потом - ночь страсти. - что вы понимаете в счастье! - говорит русский. Когда я после изнурительной работы прихожу в свою комнату в коммуналке, где вместе со мной живут жена, двое детей и теща, и когда среди ночи меня будит громкий стук в дверь, я открываю, и на пороге стоят двое, грозно спрашивая меня: "вы гражданин Парамонов?", а я им отвечаю: "нет, Парамонов живет этажом выше!" - вот это и есть настоящее счастье!
П Р О Д А М: трубопровод Уренгой-Помары-Ужгород, самовыкоп