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Mail Access Monitor for MDaemon
Mail Access Monitor is a simple tool that analyses mail server logs and shows how much traffic is being used by e-mail, who sends and receives most messages, where the messages are being send to and if e-mail abuse takes place in your office.
Aspose.Word is the .Net Word document reporting component which enables you to read and write Word documents without utilizing Microsoft Word. The latest release add Save documents in HTML format; Support for group shapes; etc.
Complete CD & DVD Writer
Complete CD & DVD Writer (burner) is an easy-to-use CD and DVD writing software to burn your data (zip, exe, doc, etc.), image (iso, cue/bin) and audio (wav) files to CD or DVD.
All In One Keylogger
Invisibly records every activity(web,chats,emails,screen-shots,keystrokes,clipboard,microphone) on your computer.
Now you can spy on your: spouse, children,employees, monitor school labs...
Away from home, It can even send you the logs by email.
AceReader Pro Deluxe
Speed Reading, Assessment and Online Reader Software. Improve your reading skills by training with Drills and Games. Track your progress by taking Comprehension Tests (for grades 1-12 plus adult). Read efficiently online with the Online Reader.
Adensoft DVD/CD Burner
Adensoft DVD/CD Burner is an easy-to-use and effective CD and DVD burning software for Beginners and Professionals. With this burning program you can easily create and burn your own custom high-quality data DVD & CD,containing your files &directories
12Ghosts Shredder
Overwrite files, drag and shred, DoD conform, Wipe Disk. Delete even if the file is locked! No trails are left of any compromising or confidential information. Nobody will ever be able to recover the files! A necessary tool for every Windows user.
HVFULLSC - Video Card and CPI Fonts
The HVFULLSC package allows you to replace the poor quality full screen OEM VGA hardware fonts provided in Windows Codepage Information files and Video Graphics card's ROM BIOS with Procon's High Visibility HVFont.
AD Happy Halloween - Animated Wallpaper
In honour of a holiday Halloween company EleFun has issued new, completely free-of-charge subject for Animated Desktop Wallpapers and Screensavers which and is called -"Happy Halloween".
Only 15% of organizer/PIM users say that the software helped them become more efficient. 95% of ActionOutline users use the program daily, and two thirds estimate it saves them at least 5 hours a week. This tool IS NOT for everyone, but it works!
Каждый человек считает ясными только те мысли, которые по своей смутности не превосходят его собственные. М. Пруст
-- Ваша дочь согласна стать моей женой. -- Сами виноваты. Нечего было ходить к нам каждый вечер!
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