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» Graphic Apps
2 Power
The playing field is filled with colored blocks. The object of the game is to remove blocks from the playing field in a way that maximizes your score. Selectively remove blocks and set yourself up to remove as large a group as possible.
AT Electronics
This automotive electronic systems simulation and diagnostic program is a combination of Electronics and Diagnostics. Learn how complex automotive systems work AND how to diagnose faults. Concentrates on engine management but others also included
CoffeeCup Free Icon Studio
Want to change the dull icons on your desktop? Or maybe you are a developer that needs a better icon editor that comes with your development tools? Icon studio can help you create icons for multiple sizes and color depths.
Midi2Wav Recorder
With Midi2Wav Recorder you can convert MIDI files to Wav or MP3 using your sound card synthesis. It provides batch conversion, built-in mixering and clipping control. You can change the instruments in the MIDI tracks, their volume and balance.
All Time Winners Casino
Playable Online or Off - for Free or Real Money in your choice of 13 languages. Play Blackjack,Roulette,Poker,Slots,Keno,Baccarat,Craps and more (+75 Games). Games include Progressive Jackpots,Weekly Draws and Promotions! FREE $200 NEW PLAYER BONUS!!
New Clash has been enhanced with more features for more hours of fun and play. In this highly addictive and ever so realistic arkanoid, you have to hit the ball with a pad to keep it within the level and destroy all bricks.
Folder Lock
Folder Lock lets you lock, hide or encrypt confidential files, folders, pictures, documents or any type of files from unwanted users of your computer with a password. It takes seconds to secure your data.
AdsNoMore is a pop-up stopper and banner ad blocker designed to eliminate all of the ads that disrupt your online experience. AdsNoMore will stop adware and spyware pop-ups, web popups, and block banners which will result in faster web browsing.
CalculPro will help your elementary school students practice mental arithmetic or to do fractions. Choose addition, subtraction, multiplication, division or fractions for an exercise.
DivX Player (with DivX Codec) for 98/Me
The DivX codec is a high-performance video plug-in for creating and viewing DVD-quality DivX movies and videos. Including the DivX Player, the DivX codec supports playback of all DivX content and the creation of videos with 3rd party software.
Легче переносить терпеливо то, что нам не дано исправить. Гораций
В центре Чикаго, прямо на тротуаре, лежит мужчина. А поскольку в субботу мало кто куда торопится, собралось много зе- вак. А где зеваки, там и советы. -- Дайте бедняге глоток виски,-- прошамкала старушка. -- Ему нужен глоток свежего воздуха,-- сказали в один го- лос несколько человек. -- Дайте ему кто-нибудь глоток виски,-- повторила старушка. -- Надо вызвать "скорую"! -- Нет ли поблизости врача? -- Дайте ему глоток виски,-- твердила старушка. Шум голосов нарастал, как вдруг лежащий прокричал: -- Да заткните вы все свои глотки и делайте то, что советует эта уважаемая пожилая леди!
О мертвом либо хорошо, либо ничего. Он мертв. Хорошо.