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» Graphic Apps
PhotoMeister Professional
Helps you to handle, edit and publish photos from your digital camera. All functions that you need to manage your photos and to impress your family, friends or customers with your photos are included in one piece of software! Easy to use and install!
iProtectYou Pro
Internet filtering / parental control and network monitoring software that protects kids from harmful information on the Internet
Audit Tool
A client software component which scans, audits and maintains a database of all hardware & software on stand alone or networked PCs to ensure legal software compliance, avoid theft and monitor updates and changes.
MultiClipBoard is a utility, which can hold an unlimited number of clipboards helping you copy and paste in any application under Windows.
MultiClipBoard can hold text, formatted text, pictures etc.
Actual Window Manager
This advanced software adds extra functionality to every window on the system. It allows you to roll-up and unroll windows, hide them to Tray, keep them on top and make them semi-transparent via new title bar buttons. Download FREE trial version now!
Gadwin PrintScreen
Gadwin PrintScreen is an easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen, save it to a file, copy it to Windows clipboard, print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice.
Golden Elephant Casino
$10 FREE (no deposit) plus get an additional $200 FREE on your first deposit!!! Play all of your favorite online casino games (over 75 games). Play for Fun or Real in your choice of 13 languages.
Book Organizer Deluxe
Complete program that allows book collectors, hobbyists, book clubs, small private or public libraries to organize, catalog, and manage their collections on their PCs.
BOUNCIN' (Adult Version)(PalmOS)
Watch Crystal strip for you as you clear levels on the "Keys" and Keys II" boards. Check out the FREE trial version, and then purchase the uncensored "Full" version where Crystal takes it all off in 36 different poses!
More models coming soon!
This is a realistic soccer management game. Try being coach in English leagues and international competitions.
Поощрение столь же необходимо гениальному писателю, сколь необходима канифоль смычку виртуоза. К. Прутков
- какой самый героический поступок отважной четверки воен ных (Зиганшин, Поплавский, Крючков, Федотов), много дней дрей- фовавших на потерявшей управление барже, а потом спасенных аме- риканцами? - несмотря на то, что они поднимались на американский ко- рабль, они не побоялись вернуться на родину!
(текст рекламного ролика для жен импотентов) Хорошо хоть тюбик зубной пасты "Маклинз" никогда не подводит!