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» Graphic Apps
ClipMate Clipboard Extender
Popular Clipboard Extender Holds Thousands of Clips, across reboots. Searching, Screen Capture, editing, re-formatting, combining, change case, drag and drop, encryption, internet features, E-Mail clean-up, and even a spellchecker!
Icon Extractor 2000
Icon Extractor is a small utility that loads and displays the ICON resources found in any file and allows you to select icons to be saved as individual ICO files. You can also copy selected icons directly to the Windows Clipboard.
AceReader Pro
Speed Reading, Assessment and Online Reader Software. Improve your reading skills by training with Drills and Games. Track your progress by taking Comprehension Tests (for grades 1-12 plus adult). Read efficiently online with the Online Reader.
MLEditor Standard Edition
.Intelligent multi-language reader and editor
.Professional code transfer between Simplified Chinese (GBK) and Traditional Chinese (Big5)
.Control editor
.Handy text file previewer and editor
.Desktop sticky note and much more
Find In Context
Automatically shows relevant text fragments found with NEAR keyword search through local/LAN files; then you can browse through bigger fragments to see the context. Supports any file formats, HTML-aware. Very fast, flexible and effective NEAR search.
Advanced WMA Workshop
Pretty useful tool with handy interface, allowing you to convert WAV, MP3, OGG, CD files to WMA 9 format, convert WMA 9 to MP3 and OGG, decode WMA,MP3,OGG files to WAV PCM. Also include built-in batch conversion mode and ID3v2 Tags editor.
Parallaxis iAlbum
Parallaxis iAlbum - the best choice for a novice user to organize, manage, view and edit digital photos. iAlbum is fast, easy-to-use yet powerful enough to satisfy all your needs in managing digital photo albums
The game known as "Peg Solitaire" was popular throughout Europe in the 1800s. It is said the game was invented by a prisoner in the Bastille. FreePeg is a modern improved realization of this game.
Jigsaw Mania
Announcing Jigsaw Mania, the new PC game for the whole family. It's like playing a real Jigsaw, but it's packed full of features to make it fun and easy to play, like being able to create your own Jigsaws from holiday photos.
Have you ever dreamt of wandering in a mysterious and endless forest, and discover there different animals you have never seen before? Well, grab your camera and walk through this wilderness where there are countless special birds waiting for you!
Нас редко привязывает к женщине то, чем она нас привлекала. Д. Коллинз
Встретились два инженера. -- Знаешь, как можно испытать на надежность новый мост? - Как? -- Нужно согнать на него всех тещ. Если мост не обрушит- ся -- значит, хороший, а если наоборот -- то прекрасный.
Все проходит...Но кое-что застревает.