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» Graphic Apps
AVI Joiner
AVI Joiner is an easy-to-use tool to join multiple AVI files into one larger AVI file. AVI Joiner designed to join AVI files without recompression that allows you to join AVI files quickly and without reducing quality.
AVS Video Converter
AVS Video Converter is an expanded realization of video converter tool with capabilities of video capturing, Video DVD, SVCD and VCD burning and timeline based video file editing.
Atomic Watch
Website Downtime = Lost Revenue
Watch your website to ensure you minimize downtime and maximize uptime. If your website is down, search engines may remove your site, partners may remove links to your site, ensure your site is up at all times.
AzDGDatingPlatinum is a most powerful Dating script working on PHP and MySQL. 100% Templates Based, Messaging System, Multilanguage, Ban Users, Moderators, News system, Featured Profiles, Forum, Chat, PayPal & 2CheckOut integrated and more.
Batch TIFF Resizer
Batch TIFF Resizer which resize and converts single and multi page tiff images to TIFF or PDF files. An easy-to-use program tailored to document archival for in-house and public distribution.
Includes 1 million verse links, 150,000 commentaries, 31 Bibles, 100 Maps and an easy to use interface with free updates for life.
Bingo Caller
Bingo Caller generates and tracks bingo numbers which it displays on screen. Suitable for use in clubs/bars/etc.
Black Star: First Attack
Space shooter with spaceship upgrade possibilities. You can use the Shop at the beginning of every level to buy a more advanced spaceship, weapons, armor plating, reactor, shield, and much more.
BlackMoon FTP Server
BlackMoon is a native windows2000 and XP ftp server application with features such as virtual directories, user accounts, file resuming and passive mode transfers, vb-scriptable, SSL3, multi-port listening plus all the basic ftp commands
Bloody Football
Your job is simple -> With your 12 players get the ball into your opponents touchdown zone. If you can not do it legally then use head high tackles, assasins, magicians, pit traps, spys, drugs or anyother method.
Когда книга сталкивается с головою - и при этом раздается глухой пустой звук, разве всегда виновата книга? Г. Лихтенберг
- какой инструктаж проходят артисты балета перед загранич ными гастролями? - па вправо, па влево - считается побег, гобой открывает огонь без предупреждения!
Hе все, что можно постpоить следует вклучать.