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» Graphic Apps
Clipboard Genie
Clipboard Utility - Saves Clipboard Text/Graphics Automatically, Hotkeys to run applciations/sendtext/keystrokes,copy clipboard text from PC - PC over a network ,Hotkeys to scroll through saved data.
Want you have clock screen saver on your desktop? RIA-Media Clock the best choice.
It's easy and simple. RIA-Media Clock - skinable clock screen saver.
Did you ever think of nice-looking clock on your desktop? Please take a look at the sreenshot to see what kind of clocks you will have. ClockWallpaper - clock and wallpaper for Desktop. This alarm clock sits on your desktop as wallpaper.
Clone Hunter
The Clone Hunter solves the problem with tons of identical files wasting your hard drive space. Customizable help criteria and detailed logs will help you to make a choice which files will remain on your hard drive and which files are unnecessary.
Cock Puzzle
A Cock Puzzle is an animated jigsaw puzzle for your entertainment! The game represents bright colored graphics, enjoyable and easy playing.
DatabaseBridge is a powerful cross-DBMS data migration, data comparison and distributed query tool that also performs validation of flat data and is a multi-DBMS browser. A cross-DBMS data transfer of a million records can be completed in minutes
Coin Collection Wizard
Coin Collection Wizard is a personal coin collection database.
Use it to record and track your coin collection as it grows. Keep a list of all of your rare coins and collectable coins in the program and track the value, price and dates.
Color Detector
Simply point the mouse cursor anywhere on the screen, and it will tell you: the RGB code, the HTML hex code, and the name of the color in plain english, of the pixel where the mouse is pointing. You can also copy the HTML hex code to the clipboard.
Color Wheel Expert
Color Wheel Expert enables users to select a color and then have 12 harmonious colors displayed on a color wheel. With the flexible color palette and color wheel box, users can easily create harmonious color schemes.
COM Port Toolkit
COM Port Toolkit is a tool that combines features of serial port (RS-232, 422, 485) terminal and monitoring application. Scripting feature can help to automate data manipulating (for example - CRC calculation) and transfer control.
Завещаю: ни в чем не усердствуй, Во всем выбирай середину, Тот же увидишь успех, что и трудясь тяжело. Феогнид
Заспорили муж с женой. И сгоряча муж неосторожно ска- зал жене: -- Ты неправа! Жена вспылила не на шутку: -- По-твоему, я говорю неправду! Выходит, я обманываю! Значит, я вру? Брешу, так сказать? Значит, я собака? Мама! Он ме- ня сукой обозвал!
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