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» Graphic Apps
Password Builder
In creation of the password there will be participate only allowed charsets:
- Upper case (A-Z)
- Lower case (a-z)
- Numeric (0-9)
- Misc (! " * $ % and ' () * +,-./:; <=>? ` [\] ^ _ ` {|} ~)
Passwords Manager
Passwords Manager is a program that will help you systematize secret information stored on your PC. You will forget about all your headaches which were caused by loss of passwords, access codes and other sensitive information.
Path Lister
View a customizable listing of the contents for any folder on your computer. Save it as text or PDF.
Pattern String Engine is intended for lexical analysis of strings. Is based on technology "pattern matching". Allows to find all possible variants of comparison string with a pattern. Work with assignment inside pattern and much more.
PowerBuilder library (component) for export to Excel format any data with cell's formatting (color, font, data types, etc.). You can add multiple worksheets into a workbook. Component's source code can be easily integrated into your PB application.
Perfect Keyboard PRO
The program allows a user to create a file of frequently used phrases, paragraphs, e-mail addresses, macros, clipboard entries, scripts, etc. and use them in any application just by typing a short abbreviation (text shortcut) or pressing a hotkey.
Personal Search Center
Begin your search with Personal Search Center. Select sites, type query and press button. See results. Not found needed site? Write us to add it to Catalogue. Some groups sites by interest, history of queries and others functions.
PhoneWorks 2002 is an easy-to-use and powerful telephone, voice mail answering system, and fax messaging solution for your PC. PhoneWorks solves your messaging problems by dramatically simplifying how you read, listen to, and manage your information.
Photo2Web Publisher
Photo2Web Publisher is an useful program that allows you to easy publish photos on your website. It create thumbnails, resize photos and generate HTML pages.
Picture Caller ID
Picture Caller ID identifies callers before you answer the phone. Call Blocking enables effective telemarketer call block by cutting off black-listed numbers, such as the numbers that are blocked, out-of-area, or unidentified.
Можно сломать шпагу, нельзя истребить идею. В. Гюго
Ночью путник добрался до чьей-то избы. -- Хозяйка, пусти переночевать! -- В избе места нет. Лезь на сеновал, там уже кто-то ночует. Тот лезет на сеновал, обрадованно: -- Эй, наверху! -- Чего тебе? -- Будем вместе ночевать. А то я очень покойников боюсь. Тот же голос: -- А чего нас бояться-то?
Не губите деревья, на них жили наши предки.