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» Graphic Apps
NetSpinner Lite
NetSpinner Lite is an entry-level professional Content management solution for Websites, scalable to full NetSpinner PRO if needed. Test it by downloading a one-month trial version with a training website included. Hundreds of Web designs available.
Network Protocol Packet Analyzer
Packet Analyzer is an advanced packet analysis and sniffing tool with powerful protocol decodes capabilities. It captures and analyze all traffic transport over both Ethernet and WLAN network with results displayed in simple English.
Network Protocols Handbook
Fully explains and illustrates all commonly used network communication protocols, including TCP/IP, WAN, LAN technologies
Covers the latest and emerging technologies such as VOIP, SAN, MAN, VPN/Security, WLAN, VLAN and more
Network Searcher
A new generation of network searching utilities. With Network Searcher you can search IP subnetworks, schedule search start time, apply unique search filters and build reports instantly in 4 different formats. FREE trial version!
Neuro Enhancer
An application designed to help program your mind using brief subliminal messages. It has twenty two different self help modules. Everything from anxiety relief to weight loss. It will run seamlessly in the task bar.
Nick, the Robot : Sokoban
Poor Nick. He has been assigned the job to put boxes to the places they need to be. And there are so many ! And the worst is : Nick can only push the boxes.
Freeware for fast training, validation, and application of neural and conventional classifiers including MLP, functional link net, piecewise linear net, nearest neighbor classifier, self organizing map. Extensive help. C source for trained nets
Freeware for fast development and application of regression type networks including the multilayer perceptron, functional link net, piecewise linear network, self organizing map and K-Means. Extensive help. C source code for applying trained nets.
Number Crunch
A number game of brains versus brawn! Become a whiz by trying to get the highest score. Crunch away all the numbers in the stage to reach the next level. Not good with numbers? Great for kids and fun for adults.
Olvio.Ecommerce for Authorize.Net
Olvio.Ecommerce is a payment processing class library for the Authorize.Net gateway. It includes all the latest features, SIM and AIM integration methods, CC and ECHECK processing, hash validation, response stream reader and more.
С религией получается то же, что с азартной игрой: начавши дураком, кончишь плутом. Ф. Вольтер
Для запуска спутника пятьсот миллионов китайцев образовал живую пирамиду в тысячу этажей. В последний момент пирамида раз- валилась, т.к. один на триста семнадцатом этаже плохо усвоил ци- татник Мао.
Злопамятность горцев уходит в то далекое время, когда первой обезьяне надавали по заднице.