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Pocket PC pitching chart that tracks pitch location, pitch count, balls/strikes and pitch velocity by type of pitch and inning. Data can quickly be exported to the desktop version of Professional Pitching.
Swingpro is a combination software/wireless swing chronograph that can measure swing speed (MPH) and reaction time (hundreds of seconds).
Out of the Park Baseball
OOTP6 is the newest version of the award-winning baseball simulation that offers a sports gaming experience unlike any other. Multiple play options, career mode, exhaustive financial model, open-ended design, import of roster files and much more!
PPC is a professional pitching chart that tracks pitch location and pitch speed by type of pitch and inning. PPC also has a sports timer that functions just like a stop watch.
Advanced scorekeeping system for baseball. Hundreds of stats and reports. BallScore is a computer version of your paper scorebook - score as you would with paper only the stats are done for you. BallStat is the report generating part of the program.
Кто не видел влюбленной женщины, тот не может сказать, что такое женщина. Т. Готье
Пожилая женщина принесла на почту письмо. -- Синьора, ваше письмо тяжелое,-- говорят ей,-- надо бы еще марочку наклеить... -- Да оно же еще тяжелее станет!
Когда мы слишком многое хотим изменить, мы слишком многому изменяем.