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» Bass
Fishing Expert
FISHING EXPERT V4.0 contains fishing techniques as well as fishing logs. You select conditions you fish under and program gives 400 proven methods for catching bass, trout, walleye, musky, and panfish. Recommended BEST by Pros in BASSMASTERS
Absolute Fretboard Trainer
Training tool for guitar and bass players who want to know the fretboard of the instrument perfectly and effortlessly. Interactive lessons and drills will help you know each and every note on the fretboard just like you know the open strings.
Happy Note! Play It By Ear
A real computer game that teaches you to recognize music notes by ear. Easy to customize, Happy Note! Play It By Ear lets you learn at your own pace. It requires no previous knowledge of music and its "Cartoons" option makes it even more fun.
Чьи уши закрыты для правды и кто не в силах выслушать ее из уст друга, того не спасет уже ничто. Цицерон
В Африке людоед поймал русского, англичанина и фран- цуза. Привел к пропасти и поставил условие: кто произнесет слово и оно будет звучать более пяти минут -- того не съест. Англичанин крикнул: "0'к-э-э-э-й!" -- три минуты. Француз закричал: "Мэ-э-эри-и-и!" -- три минуты. Русский: "Водку даю-ю-ю-ю-т!" Эхо: "Где? Где? Где?" Эхо звучало два часа.
У цыпленка две ноги. Особенно левая.