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Subscription Manager
Add-in for automatic adding/deleting subscribers to/from Outlook 2000/XP/2003 mailing lists based on special emails from them with the commands in Subject field. SUM is capable of processing "subscribe", "unsubscribe", "confirm" and "help" requests.
Send Personally
Add-in offers an alternative method of sending messages from Microsoft Outlook 2000-2003, separate message being created for each recipient. The final recipient will see only his/her name and address in the "To" field.
Title Bout Championship Boxing
Title Bout Championship Boxing is the ultimate in computer boxing games simulations with complete statistics, multiple ranking systems, full editing capabilities, over 3600 rated fighters, trainers, corner men, referees are all part of the simulation
Title Bar Reader
Read your favorite jokes, stories, poems, lyrics and proverbs in a title bar.
PRWizard's Media Magnet
Automate you Press Release submission software by PR Wizard features targeted media & industry specific contacts already included in it's database of 28,000 editorial and media contacts!
Resume Builder
Powerful resume writing application will help you create a great looking professional visualy exciting resume. Our application does the thinking and writing for you.
Quick Templates for Outlook
Quick Templates is designed for fast insertion of text templates into Microsoft Outlook 2000/XP/2003 mail messages.It will help you with entering frequently repeated text fragments, save the time and avoid mistyping in your messages.
Mailing List Service
Add-in for Outlook designed to export and import of contacts, mailing lists, emails senders and recipients to or from files, contacts and emails folders. E.g., with a few clicks you can add all senders of selected emails to address book or save its.
MAPILab NNTP for Outlook
MAPILab NNTP is MAPI transport which allows to read and post to newsgroups in Microsoft Outlook. This means that a news server account works the same as Exchange Server or POP3 account, support remote headers and it is managed in Send/Receive menu.
Auto Mailer
Bulk email client for sending individual, personalized text or HTML
messages to your mailing list. Emails can be sent with the built in
SMTP server, your own SMTP server, or using a MAPI email client.
Sends emails quickly with parallel threads.
Рада барану овца, быком наслаждается телка, Для плосконосой козы сладок нечистый козел. Овидий
Убежденный холостяк мечтательно говорит своему жена- тому приятелю: -- Иногда завидую тебе... Знаешь, так хочется наконец мир- ной, спокойной семейной обстановки. Тишины, заботы... Приятель тяжело вздохнул: Мне тоже.
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