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Parallaxis iAlbum
Parallaxis iAlbum - the best choice for a novice user to organize, manage, view and edit digital photos. iAlbum is fast, easy-to-use yet powerful enough to satisfy all your needs in managing digital photo albums
Home or Away League Scheduler
Home or Away creates balanced round robin sports schedules with summaries to check that all is OK. It has many advanced features to handle complex schedules. The free eight team trial has all features and can be used for an unlimited time.
Account Xpress
Account Xpress is a personal finance management and budget planning software loaded with features designed to help you manage your money easily and efficiently. Know where your money goes and stay in full control of your budget with Account Xpress.
Crossdown is a professional crossword puzzle development application. Use it to construct real crosswords just like the kind which appear in newspapers and magazines. With Crossdown's many features, routine tasks and errors are eliminated.
Lap Timer 2000
LapTimer 2000 is a small MS Windows program that will count and time laps on any scale slot car track. Laps are timed with 1/1000 of a second accuracy. Lap Timer 2000 includes interfaces for the Joystick, Parallel Printer, Keyboard and Serial port.
CwType morse terminal
The terminal program for CW-operators. You can transmit both from the keyboard and from the paddle connected to a joystick or LPT connector. The handle of the transceiver (PTT and CW keying) is made through one of the COM- or LPT-ports.
Mortgage Loan Software
Mortgage service software solution. It includes financial calculation tools and everything else you need. Original appearance will attract more customers. The Mortgage Software lets you know how each payment affects your personal finance.
Lunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder
A program to search for eclipses (lunar, solar, total, annual and umbral), to calculate the phase of the Moon at any given date and time and to convert between dates in the Gregorian and Julian calendars and dates in various lunar calendars.
Free Loan Calculator
This free loan comparison calculator for Windows allows you to quickly calculate loan payments based upon variable payment frequency!
Кот в перчатках мышь не поймает. Б. Франклин
Англичанин, француз и русский хвалятся своими женами - когда моя жена катается верхом, - говорит англичанин, - ее ноги достают до земли. Не потому, что лошадь низкорослая, а пото- му, что у моей жены длинные ноги! - я свою жену обнимаю за талию двумя пальцами одной руки, - говорит француз, - не потому, что у меня большая рука, а потому, что у моей жены узкая талия! - перед уходом на работу, - говорит русский, - я хлопаю свою жену по заднице. А когда возвращаюсь с работы, она у нее еще тря- сется. Не потому, что у моей жены задница дряблая, а потому, что у нас в СССР самый короткий в мире рабочий день!
Женское начало и мужское кончало.