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» Development Tools
» Localization
A tool for translation, design improvement and development. Work with windows resources of applications and its components (PE files). Restorator allows modifying and adding images, icons, sounds, dialogs, menus, and other resources.
Caterpillar - HTML Extractor
Caterpillar rapidly extracts all the text requiring translation from multiple web pages to a single output file - so you can process/translate the extracted text segments in any way you like using other software, before re-integrating.
Lingobit Localizer
Lingobit Localizer is a professional software localization tool that enables translation of MFC, Win32, Java, .NET applications. Lingobit Localizer simplifies localization process, provides translation reuse, and saves both time and money.
Increase your revenues, localize your applications with LangAgent! LangAgent automates all localization/proofreading tasks, generates tasks for translators, tracks changes. Add-in for MSVC enables you to apply LangAgent to your projects easily.
Avral Tramigo
A tool for translating Flash MX SWF files into foreign languages. Supports Western European, Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) and Middle East languages (Arabic, Hebrew). Unicode-based.
Если есть что-либо почтенное, то это цельность всей жизни. Цицерон
- какие основные препятствия перед советским сельски хозяйством? - их четыре: весна, лето, осень и зима.
Что такое переходныи возраст? Это когда пенсию не дают по молодости, а девушки не дают по старости.