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JBLab Secure Notes
Info tree PIM (personal info manager) and personal organizer for desktop and USB Flash Drive. It organize and password-protect sensitive information (usernames, passwords, contacts, text notes, etc). Provides access to the dialer, browser and e-mail.
smart job hunter
Smart Job Hunter is a handy utility that enables you to keep track of your job search. By associating companies, contacts and messages, with jobs offers (and more), you get an impressive database which enables you to keep control of your search.
Login Backup
Discover how this Personal Membership Manager will help you keep an up-to-date record of all your online memberships in a safe and central location. Your data will be very securely encrypted and password protected. Very easy to use.
HotShift Calendar
A calendar for fire fighters or workers on a rotating shift schedule. Handles 24-hour shifts or 2 shifts per day and Up to four platoons. Prints up to 20 shifts per page. Makes 4 styles of web calendars. Schedules created by the user.
Advanced Viewer
Image files viewer and converter, editor, mopher. Creating HTML albums ready to be published on Web. Abilty to see sequence of images as slide show. Abilty to play MP3, MIDI and AVI video files. MP3 tag editor. Image files browser.
Black Hole Organizer
Black Hole Organizer is a web enabled free-form database that lets you store all your notes in categories that are meaningful to you. Full featured editor lets you format documents as well as notes. Active web links and a reminder utility too!
! TreePad X Enterprise (256 Gb, single-user)
Next-generation 384 Gigabyte Organizer, opens 8 databases simultaneously. Includes: Word Processor, spellcheck tables search/replace, skinning, drag-drop import/export, hyperlinks, auto-save, images, attachments recycler favorites history etc.
MyInfo is easy to use and powerful free form information manager. You can use it to organize any hierarchical information. No matter whether you use it for managing projects, making to-do lists or just storing documents, it makes your life easier.
OEComplete is a complete utility for managing your appointments and tasks. Users of Outlook Express can take the benefit of having an appointment scheduler and task manager along with their emails, at an economical price.
DataPouch is an Organizational Tool for storing bits of important information. Use it for everyday items, events, and concepts! Useful for electronic equipment, date reminders, financial records, collections, home inventory, insurance records, etc.
Чтобы пробить стену лбом, нужен или большой разбег, или много лбов. А. Азольский
На улице один прохожий подходит к другому и спрашивает: -- Сэр, не могли бы вы разменять мне сто долларов? -- Сожалею, сэр! Но благодарю за комплимент!
Посадил дед репку. Репа отсидел, вышел и замочил Деда