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R4U Soft StartUP Organizer
Customize your startup configuration.You can easy customize what programs will run on your computer startup.
- add/remove items from startup.
- enable/disable items from startup.
- save settings.
A name and address database for home/office use. Features email and web browser launch, phone dialing, web page generation. Keyword system, many search features. Imports and exports .txt, .csv, and native format. Full install/uninstall support.
Smart Diary
Smart Diary not only keeps track of diary text (fully formatted), but also of such parameters as the mood, fatigue, shape, dream, temperature, weight, copulation and menstruus. All entries are encrypted. A planner and a reminder are included.
Smart Diary Suite
More than a simple Diary or a PIM. It is instead a total personal information manager. It can be as simple or as extensive as you want it to be and it can be fully customized to meet all your current and future needs.
Snip-Its allows you to store your notes, emails, texts, hyperlinks - any kind of text data - in a hierarchical manner.
Ideal for writers wanting to gather facts, bibliographical entries, notes. Can be used to create to-do lists, daily logs.
Snippets Text Database
Finally, a fast and easy way to store all your notes! Easily store notes in any arrangement of categories and subcategories and quickly find them later. Arranging categories is as easy as drag and drop. Flexible printing. Much more.
Speaking Calendar
Speaking Calendar is a desktop calendar/appointment manager with a
difference. The calendar displays a nice looking interface, which is
also very user friendly.
Task Manager for Excel
Task Manager for Excel is an application written for Microsoft Excel that simplifies task management by providing a prioritized to do list with built in scheduled reminders. Its user-friendly, intuitive interface makes the program very easy to use.
Task Plus
Task Plus is a very graphical freeware task and 4-calendar scheduler
designed for simplicity and speed. Unlimited number of personal tasks
on the calendar with holidays and repeating events such as birthdays.
4 month calendar is color coded.
Secure Notes Organizer
This Organizer lets you store and arrange all your text-based information in a outline tree form. Also it can be used as your personal diary or personal information manager,
От терпения - опытность, от опытности - надежда. Сенека Старший
-- Как жаль, что ваш муж так рано скончался. Еще мог бы жить и жить... -- Да,-- вздыхает вдова.-- Тем более, что лекарств у него ос- тавалось еще недели на три.
Вы художник? Нет, я просто с похмелья.