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» Business
Complete and easy-to-use personal organizer that allows you to manage all your appointments, anniversaries, events, things to do, addresses, phone numbers, websites, emails, inventory, notes, letters, budget, memos, collections, recipes and more!
! Custom Addressbook
Intuitive, powerful, small, and extremely flexible Address Management program - unique, among the many apparently similar programs, in that it enables you to define your own address book fields and categories, without any effort. Many other features!
Birthday Keeper
Never forget another birthday or anniversary again! Birthday Keeper will remind you of upcoming birthdays and anniversaries.
IdentaFone Pro
Call logging software that offers many ways to keep you informed about your caller's identity including speech, paging, PCS/GMS, email and screen pops over a LAN. Includes call blocking, speed dialer and phonebook.
HyperClip is a perfect note management tool that will help you to organize your notes, recipes, diaries, hyperlinks and much more.
Electronic Personal-Management for Companies. Get an overview of all Holidays, Workdays, Sick Reports, Education, Company free days, other events of all people in your group. Combination with an Attendance Recorder optional.
Addraman Address Manager & Phone Dialler
An address book and phone dialing facility (MODEM required for dialing). Store all of your home and work contacts and enter comprehensive notes for each person. Full preview, printing and search capability.
MAPILab NNTP for Outlook
MAPILab NNTP is MAPI transport which allows to read and post to newsgroups in Microsoft Outlook. This means that a news server account works the same as Exchange Server or POP3 account, support remote headers and it is managed in Send/Receive menu.
Ace Contact Manager
Use Ace Contact Manager for organizations which need to share contact information while assuring that all users can rapidly access all data at all times. Ace provides secure central location of all data including only one copy of all attachments.
Alchera is a feature rich journaling package that also helps to get the most of your dreams. It comes with a symbol dictionary, and questions that will help to find the personal significance of symbols. An introduction to dreaming is included.
Завершенность жизни, и краткой, и долгой, определяется только целью, ради которой она прожита. Д. Джордан
Тост. Группа туристов осматривает завод глиняных свистулек Болгарии. - зачем вам миллион свистулек в год? - спросили туристы. - за каждую свистульку нам Монголия дает по барану. - а что вы делаете с миллионом баранов? - за каждого барана нам ГДР дает по электромотору. - а что вы делаете с электромоторами? - за каждый мотор нам Чехословакия дает по трактору. - а не много ли для вас миллион тракторов в год? - за эти трактора нам СССР дает глину для свистулек. так выпьем же за Совет Экономической Взаимопомощи!
Вам смешно, а мне жениться