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vbSkinner Pro
You can change the look & feel of your application easily adding this ActiveX control to the forms.
With vbSkinner Pro your project will have a skin system.
The forms will have a ronded look, with a new title bar.
Venis IX
Venis is a Visual Environment for Nullsoft Install System (NSIS). The Venis IX environment makes creating and maintaining NSIS install scripts quick and easy.
VeCAD is a 3D vector graphics library. It serves as a foundation for your own customized drawing applications (CAD/GIS). The library is furnished in two discreet formats; as a run-time Windows 32 bit DLL; and, as an OCX. Both are included.
VCW VicMan's Submass
The best and most effective software submission tool. I has built-in IE and software sites database (updating online). You set all common parameters for each program and these fields in submit forms (as also status) will be filled AUTOMATICALLY!
Ufasoft Common Lisp
Common Lisp development system. Includes console and IDE Lisp interpreter and compiler. Possibility of creating EXE-files. Supports CLOS. It is smallest implementations of standard Lisp, just 1MB of binary code.
ABF Internet Explorer Tools
ABF Internet Explorer Tools is a set of very useful plug-ins for the popular MS Internet Explorer browser. The software contains a tool bar, page browser, magnifier bar, and a set of additional commands.
KeyedAccess for MS Access
Create shareware-type versions of your MS Access applications with the help of this utility that generates and validates 16 digit Reg ID/Product Keys, or Installation Serial Numbers and Unlock Codes.
With AWinstall you can create compact and intelligent setups for delivering your software on removable media or via Internet. It combines the minimal installer footprint (just about 30 KBytes!) with a robust and user-friendly development environment.
blueshell Active Tables for .NET
Use VB 5/6 as well as all the languages of .NET (like C#, VB.NET and J#) to connect to various databases including Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL, Jet and more using ADO. Develop reliable and easy-to-use database applications in no time at all!
Добиваться власти для спокойствия и безопасности - значит взбираться на вулкан для того, чтобы укрыться от бури. Ф. Петрарка
Пять минут до открытия винно-водочного магазина: народ стоит толпой, оживленные разговоры. Две минуты до открытия: на- чинает выстраиваться очередь, разговоры затихают. Одна минута до открытия: очередь вытянута, как струна, мертвая тишина, все в напряжении. Вдоль очереди чинно идет кот. Один мужик не выдер- живает -- хватает его за шкирку и швыряет: -- Все коты, как коты. А этот -- "топ-топ, топ-топ"!
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