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» Scientific
Freeware. 394 units in 46 categories. Includes engineering specific categories like enthalpy, heat capacity, heat transfer coefficient, torque and viscosity. Work with feet and inches. Formatting and clipboard features. Excludes archaic units.
tApCalc Financial tape calculator(Palm)
Financial Calculator for Palm featuring a programmable tape that can be saved,edited,rerun, Beamed and printed without reentering the calculations again. With tApCalc finance, it is not necessary to carry the HP-12C around anymore.
tApCalc Financial tape calculator(Palm High Res)
Financial Calculator for Palm featuring a programmable tape that can be saved,edited,rerun, Beamed and printed without reentering the calculations again. With tApCalc finance, it is not necessary to carry the HP-12C around anymore.
ProKon is a calculator unlike any you've seen before. It features unit conversions of over 400,000 units, a pop-up scientific/financial/geometry calculator with tape, as well as many calculation modules covering a wide variety of topics.
ProKalc is a full featured scientific calculator featuring a scrolling tape and 15-digit accuracy. Integrated help is available through a unique hot-key interface.
Point Cloud
Point Cloud is a reverse engineering software to process point clouds. Point Cloud can reconstruct a triangular mesh over a cloud of points or drape a surface over the points.
tApCalc Scientific tape calculator(Arm)
tApCalc SciFi is a handy Scientific calculator for Pocket PC. It provides a simulated paper tape that allows users to record calculations and save them for future reference. Includes trignometric,logarithmic functions in addition to standard keys.
The Atom Builder
Chemistry teaching software which simulates the building of any of the first 20 atoms (up to calcium) on screen. Learn how atoms are formed from electrons, protons and neutrons and how the electrons are arranged in shells or energy levels.
Никогда не беспокой другого тем, что ты можешь сделать сам. Л. Толстой
Две приятельницы разговаривают: -- Я так благодарна Джону. Это он помог мне забыть Джима... -- А кто такой этот Джим? -- О! Это тот, кто помог мне забыть Джека!..
То, чего ты не можешь, того тебе и хотеть не надо.