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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы


В начало » Internet » Web Browsers


Xeonn-Turbo 2.0 is an Accelerated Tabbed Web Browser with built-in Entertainment System, ISP & Instant Messenger. Get the best of AOL & MSN all in one secure fun filled, feature-rich application! Each new user gets a FREE AD-FREE EMAIL account.

Programmator for Panasonic KX-TA308/616/624

Programmator is a programming tool for the Panasonic KX-TA308 / Panasonic KX-TA616 / Panasonic KX-TA624 PBX (programming, management, and administration). The built-in "installation help" can aid you to solve many difficult problems.

Program which restores Windows 95/98

This program is designed to restore Windows 95/98 system files corrupted by incorrect installation of new software or by virus and is exactly what you need if you value your time and money.

Smart Explorer

Smart Explorer is the fast, smart, and secure Internet browser. Smart Explorer kills pop-up ads, filters multimedia downloads, has a multi document interface, and integrates the top search engines, allowing for searches of multiple sites at once.

Web Padlock

Web Padlock lets you controlВ  what Web pages can be viewed on your computer. It blocks other Web browsers ( Internet Explorer, etc.) from running. Only Web sites on Web Padlock's password-protected user-defined authorized list can be visited.


In today's world we sit without moving long hours in front of the computer. A ten minute break every hour can reduce repetitive-stress injuries due to computer usage. This Free utility which rests in the system tray reminds us when to take a break!

WebCloner Offline Browser

WebCloner is a site ripper, images and Flash downloader, offline browser. You can use it to scan, download, browse and convert to e-books (CHM) entire websites or just parts of them. It automatically archive downloaded websites.

WebCloner Pro Offline Browser

WebCloner is a site ripper, images and Flash downloader, offline browser, and e-book compiler. You can use it to scan, download, browse and convert to e-books (Self running executables or CHM) entire websites or just parts of them.


WindowSurfer is a complete web browsing application with a true ‘Automatic Login’ feature. It enables you to set your selected web-pages to load automatically on start-up, navigate to the login pages and then fill in your usernames and passwords.


BackWidow is a site ripper, off-line browser, web site scanner, site mapping tool and a site mirroring tool. Use it to scan a site, create and print a complete profile of the site's structure, files, external links and even link errors....

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Из книги "Ву"


Осень. Муж собирает урожай в саду. Да надоело и лег пе-
редохнуть. А тут жена... Умеет же появляться тогда, когда не ждешь!
-- Ты чего это тут вылеживаешься? Что, всю работу сделал?
-- Эх ты! Не вылеживаюсь я! Я с груши упал... А ты вместо
того, чтобы пожалеть...


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