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» Internet
» Web Publishing
With this easy Web publishing tool you can make fancy Internet pages and sites, with coloured tables, styles, image maps and more... quickly. Without learning or seeing HTML. Fast and compatible with any browser.
Easy Web Editor website creator
With this easy Web publishing tool you can make fancy Internet pages and sites, with frame-to-frame links, styles, mouse-over changing images and more... quickly. Can archive a site in one file. No HTML or tech details. Compatible with any browser.
ImageMatics StillMotion Personal Edition
Downloader's Special Offer. Creates multimedia slideshows from still images, self playing movies, web pages, auto play CD ROM, SWF (Flash) file and screen savers. Provides transitions, pan and zoom, advanced sound features, titles, annotation.
PDFMoto automatically publishes documentation to web sites in PDF format. Documents produced in desktop applications are converted into PDF, web site navigation and look created dynamically using templates. Free version available.
Idex is a complete multimedia database and webpublishing solution.
Manage all your digital files in a searchable database. Then share your files by publishing them to the internet. No HTML programming required to create dynamic websites.
1site (LITE)
With this professional and easy Web publishing tool you can make fancy Websites, with frame-to-frame links, styles, rollover images, shopping cart and more... quickly. Can archive 1 site in 1 file. No HTML / tech details. Compatible with any browser.
With this professional and easy Web publishing tool you can make fancy Websites, with frame-to-frame links, styles, rollover images, shopping cart and more... quickly. Can archive 1 site in 1 file. No HTML / tech details. Compatible with any browser.
ImageMatics Flash Publisher
Creates Flash multimedia slideshows from still images, self playing movies, web pages, auto play CD ROM, SWF (Flash). Provides transitions, pan and zoom, automatic Flash frame labels, advanced sound features, titles, annotation.
Сердце может прибавить ума, но ум не может прибавить сердца. А. Франс
Сотрудник навестил больного коллегу. На тумбочке возле кровати стоит бутылка -- водки чуть-чуть, на самом донышке. -- Петренко, дорогой, признайся, неужели это твое послед- нее утешение? -- Нет, нет, не беспокойся. В холодильнике есть еще одна...
На производстве хуйня, а дома вещь